Would you like to learn about an innovative, holistic way of authentically being and working with adults and Children in your practice? This November Harriët Teeuw & René Veugelers from the Netherlands are offering their unique 2 days intensive online training: “Focusing and grief” a training in experiential listening & Focusing skills, non-verbal communication, exploring Creativity and Presence, Inner-child contact and deepening bodily awareness. In short: Dynamic Expressive Focusing!
Who: Designed for therapists and other professionals working with adults, children and youth. Also, open to parents, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning these skills. Most importantly it is available for YOU!
What it’s all about: You will learn the skills of listening to adults and Children in a Focusing way, working with creative expression and non-verbal communication. The central goal is to achieve authentic contact and open connection with both others and self through simple, structured exercises. Topics are: working with grief in steps related to different phases; Exploring your own Inner grief process and Living forward energy. What to offer when it gets stuck, when there is too much or when there is nothing. We will use all kind of different creative ways to explore this process.
What to expect: An international group of participants who are interested in the tools and techniques of the (Children) Focusing process, an inherently gentle, playful approach of Experiential practice. You will develop an understanding of personal bodily felt life experience from both theoretical and practical perspectives. You will experience a model of facilitation which creates a safe environment with clear boundaries that respects the need for privacy and vulnerability inherent in much of childhood & adolescent experience. Integrating this experiential dimension into your work will also support your own resilience and self-care increasing energy and decreasing burn out!
Training Providers: Harriet Teeuw & René Veugelers are certified Children Focusing Coordinators and Art Therapists. Both have many years teaching experience and practice, working and being with children of allages. They experience the ‘Seriously Playful Energy’ in themselves and in their work with children and adults.
When: Friday 24th and Saturday 25th Januari 2025
From 13.30 till 20.30 (Amsterdam time)
Where: Zoom meeting offered by the trainers
Europe: €195 Time: 13.30 – 20.30hs CEST. Latin America: €135 Argentina: 7.30 a.m. -13.30 p.m.
https://www.childrenfocusing.org/ https://www.deruimte-info.nl/